This is a picture of a racing main with square top and a laminate racing Genoa on a J 32 Sailboat. These sails are both new and currently racing. Both sails are made with Dimension Sailcloth.

This is a picture of a racing main with square top and a laminate racing Genoa on a J 32 Sailboat. These sails are both new and currently racing. Both sails are made with Dimension Sailcloth.
Here is a couple pictures of a G-Spinn sail we built back a few months ago that is being raced. Our sail is on a Newport 30 racing in the final race in Bayview Idaho. Our proprietary G-Spinn spinnaker sails are doing great in races and we look forward to sharing more images with you in the near future.
This is another one of our revolutionary G-Spinn spinnaker sails on the water. It was used during a race on the Sound End of Pend Oreille Lake.
We got a great thank you letter from Durkee Richards and his crew. They raced using our custom sails
“Hello Don
We enjoyed a spirited race in Sequim Bay yesterday. The southerly pressure gradient generated a fresh southerly in the bay — 10 to 20 knots. As Chris Allen put it “Team Geritol had a fine race”. We finished just a few minutes behind the Big Dogs and well out in the lead for the B-fleet.
I have finally remembered to send you a copy of the picture of the crew with the trophy for the Reach For Hospice Regatta that appeared in the clubs Scuttlebutt.
Cheers, Durkee”
From right to left: Chris Allen and Carol Jackson, from Port Angeles; Durkee Richard, the skipper on race day (holding the trophy) Mary Richards (boat owner), standing in for Don Yager of Yager sails and Canvas in Spokane and Jerry Cornell of Port Ludlow who was the designated driver.